Sunday, June 3, 2012

Witness to Falling Meteors!?

Photo Courtesy of *DasGhul on

Are you like me and every time you walk outside you you look up at the sky and just watch the clouds roll by?  I always look up at the sky and just watch as everything moves.  With all the rain that we have been getting the sky has been real dark and gloomy however today the clouds parted and I actually saw a blue sky!

Well, just a few moments ago I was out letting my dog use the bathroom when my boyfriend, Dan, and I looked up at the sky.  We thought at first that we were seeing a plane fly real fast falling in the sky, but it was when we saw two more just like it turning a bright orange red that we thought it could be something else.

We stood out there and watched as they fell.  Moving fast through our atmosphere getting brighter their tails getting smaller until the front portion turned bright white and they slowed eventually disappearing before they even came close to hitting Earth.

I have seen meteor showers up in the night sky flying by before and I have seen the Northern Lights, but this was new to me and I loved watching it.  Nature and space can be such fascinating things!

The only thing I wish I could have done was take some pictures! This is one of those times when I wish my camera hadn't broken!

Have you ever witnessed something like this?  What is your story?


  1. i keep seeing small things that look like stars flashing blue and red at night

    1. I looked into it and there has been meteor showers for a few different nights. I will be posting about the recent ones soon! I hope I can catch some more!

  2. Wow that sounds awesome, something my lil bro would love. I have never seen anything like that before!!

  3. I have never seen anything like that before. I seem to always miss even falling stars!

    1. I missed the big meteor shower. I looked it up and there was a big one a few days ago.

  4. I have never seen anything like that before.

    1. It was really cool. From what I have read there will still be scattered meteor showers for awhile.


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